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1.广东新丰云髻山省级自然保护区管理处;2.广州大学生命科学学院;3.广州大学 建筑与城市规划学院
采用样方法对广东新丰云髻山自然保护区的厚叶木莲(Manglietia pachyphylla)群落内的物种组成、区系成分、物种多样性指数、生活型谱、乔木层优势种、种群年龄结构等进行了研究,以期进一步了解厚叶木莲的生存现状。结果表明,在3 200 m2 的样地内共有维管植物166 种,隶属于68 科106属,科属的地理成分以热带成分占明显优势;区系表征科为山茶科、樟科、壳斗科、冬青科、茜草科等。群落的物种多样性Simpson 指数为0.978 9,Shannon-Wiener 指数6.423 2,均匀度0.869 9。群落的生活型谱以高位芽植物为主,占72.29%。群落中以厚叶木莲为建群种,重要值占全部种类的19.17%;乔木层优势种有甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)、厚斗柯(Lithocarpus elizabethae)、深山含笑(Michelia maudiae)、唐竹(Sinobambusa tootsik)等;优势科为木兰科、壳斗科、山茶科、樟科。云髻山的厚叶木莲种群规模较大,具有重要的科研价值,但其年龄结构呈现出较典型的衰退趋势,应加强就地保护、迁地保护和科学研究。
关键词:   国家保护植物;厚叶木莲;生态学特征;新丰云髻山;自然保护区
Ecological Characteristics of Manglietia pachyphylla Community at Yunjishan, Xinfeng, Guangdong Province
LAN Yanghui1, LUO Yuqian2, TANG Haiming1, HUANG Jingling3, MIAO Shenyu4
1.Administration Office of Yunjishan Provincial Nature Reserve, Xinfeng, Guangdong;2.School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University;3.School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University;4.School of Life Sciences, Guangzhou University
The species composition, flora components, species diversity indexes, life-form spectrum, dominant species in tree layer, and population structure of Manglietia pachyphylla comunity at Yunjishan Nature Reserve, Xinfeng, Guangdong Province, China by using the field quadrat method, so as to better understand the survival statue of the M. pachyphylla. The results showed that there are 166 species vascular plants, belonging to 68 families and 106 genera in plots with area of 3 200 m2, which dominated by Tropical element type for flora of family and genus. Among these, Theaceae, Lauraceae, Fagaceae, Aquifoliaceae, and Rubiaceae were floristic representation families. The Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index, and the evenness of the community were 0.9789, 6.4232, and 0.8699, respectively. The life-form spectrum was dominant by the phaenerophytes with an accounted for 72.29%. The constructive species of the community was M. pachyphylla with an important value of 19.17%, the dominant species of the community were Castanopsis eyrei, Lithocarpus elizabethae, Michelia maudiae, and Sinobambusa tootsik. Meanwhile, the dominant family were Magnoliaceae, Fagaceae, Theaceae,and Lauraceae. Manglietia pachyphylla populations size in Yujinshan was relative larger, and had significant values for scientific research. Analysis on age structure indicated that expressed a relative typical decline tendency, the in situ, ex situ conservation and more scientific research should be strengthed for this endangered species.
Key words:   National key protected species; Manglietia pachyphylla; ecological characteristics; Yunjishan, Xinfeng; Nature Reserves